Sunday, November 27, 2005

Can't See a Damn Thing!

The kids and I went camping in Big Sur this last summer, but it wasn't till recently that Tiya told me of an incident that occured while we were camping that I was unaware of.

Apparently one night, just getting back to the campground from Monterey, I pulled up to the campground gate (they closed the gate after 8 PM every night) and got out of the car to open it up so that we could pull through. As the campground is in the mountains and along the beach there are no lights anywhere. It was pitch black outside. The kids waited in the car for me and Mckenna was beginning to cry and wanted to know where I was. Tiya was trying to calm her down...

"Mckenna, Dad will be back in just a minute." Tiya said
Mckenna crying, "But where is he?"
"He's opening the gate so we can go through."
Mckenna still crying, "Why is he taking so long?"
Tiya pointing outside the car says, "He's right there."
Mckenna looks out the window into the pitch black and says, "I can't see a DAMN thing!"

Well, I know I shouldn't but, I can't help laughing my $#@^% off! It's pretty bad that a 5 year old not only used a four letter word but she knew how and where to use it. I guess I haven't done a very good job cencering myself. WTF

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Glue's the Best Thing Ever!

I had Mckenna last night- just the two of us. She wanted to watch a movie so she picked one out and gave it to me to put on. Of all the movies we have she wanted to watch Star Wars 3. Now being the responsible father I am (chuckle), I guess I should have realized that there were going to be guns and light sabers and violence. To my defence, I grew up with the original Star Wars movies and when someone got a light saber run through them they just disapeared right and when they got shot they just fell on the ground. Right?

So anyway, there is a scene where one of the bad guys gets his arms cut off.
Mckenna asks me, "Daddy, is he going to get his arms back?"
"No Honey, he got them cut off."
Looking at me seriously she says, "He can just use some glue because glue is the best thing ever! He could use tape but that doesn't work very good."

My mind, instantantly, tried to recall when she had had a bad experience with tape. LOL