"Portrait of Devyn," by Mckenna

Blithe banter, unremitting, unpredictable fiery eruptions and torrents of creativity and thought spew with such fluidity from the hearts and minds of a child.
Sunday Mckenna and I were going to go out to my Dad's house so we got all our stuff together. "Stuff" includes swim suits, golf clubs and of course chocolate chip cookies and fruit snacks- 2 (one for her and one for me.) Well, somewhere between the house and the garage we lost one fruit snack. Mckenna was very upset. "Daddy, I can't find the other fruit snack. Look outside for it." I looked all around the car and in the garage but no fruit snack. "I got that fruit snack for you Daddy." Funny that she lost mine. :)
Tiya and Devyn went camping with friends this last weekend so it was just Mckenna and I. She needed a little alone time with Daddy and we had a really good weekend together. Saturday morning we went to her gymnastics class and then we went to the movie theater to see Herbie. Herbie didn't start till 2:00pm and it was only noon so we went next door to Borders Book Store where I probably read 2 dozen books to her and yes we couldn't actually leave with out buying one. We got to the Theater early even after reading 2 dozen books, bought popcorn and a soda and sat and waited for the movie to start. The movie did a pretty good job of living up to all things Herbie although it was not quite the same without Don Knotts and Dean Jones. We managed to eat all the popcorn and still have room for ice cream. :)
I was putting Mckenna to bed last night and she was crying because she was scared. I asked her why she was scared. She had watched a childrens movie the other night called "Hocus Pocus," which is about 3 witches. First let me say that 2 of the witches were Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker- enough said. I told her that she should try to think about something else- something that she enjoys doing. I asked her what she liked to do. "I like to go to the mall and shop for Hello Kitty stuff," she said. I laughed and told her that she should close her eyes and think about that. "I can't Daddy, the witches are stuck in my brain," she said as she was crying.
So, my family and I were at my daughter Tiya's Jr. High Graduation yesterday. After the ceremony my Dad, my daughter Mckenna (5 yrs old) and I were walking down the bleachers to go congratulate Tiya. Mckenna yells out, "Grandpa, spread the love!"
Mckenna (my 5 year old) and I were walking through Town Center (a strip of stores by the mall) this evening and we were crossing an intersection that for some reason always has a septic problem. Another couple were walking next to us and Mckenna says for the whole world to hear, "Dad, you farted!" Squinting her eyes, wrinkling her nose and waving her hand in front of her nose and mouth she says, "Phew, Daddy you stink!" I started laughing. The girl next to us laughing says, "I smelled it too but it was him," pointing to her boyfriend, "But, you know, Dad is always a good person to blame it on."